Chapter 14 Generalised Linear Models

Learning Objectives

  1. Define an exponential family of distributions. Show that the following distributions may be written in this form: binomial, Poisson, exponential, gamma, normal.
  2. State the mean and variance for an exponential family, and define the variance function and the scale parameter. Derive these quantities for the distributions above.
  3. Explain what is meant by the link function and the canonical link function, referring to the distributions above.
  4. Explain what is meant by a variable, a factor taking categorical values and an interaction term. Define the linear predictor, illustrating its form for simple models, including polynomial models and models involving factors.
  5. Define the deviance and scaled deviance and state how the parameters of a generalised linear model may be estimated. Describe how a suitable model may be chosen by using an analysis of deviance and by examining the significance of the parameters.
  6. Define the Pearson and deviance residuals and describe how they may be used.
  7. Apply statistical tests to determine the acceptability of a fitted model: Pearson’s chi-square test and the likelihood ratio test
  8. Fit a generalised linear model to a data set and interpret the output.


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